Recently, taxation policy and business environment in the Mainland have undergone several major changes, including changes on tax treatment for non-resident enterprises, transfer pricing, research and development tax policies, and the reformation of Individual Income Tax.
FHKI Group 19 (Hong Kong Toys Council, HKTC) and The Toys Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong (TMHK) jointly organised the workshop on China Taxation for the toy industry on 15 and 23 October. Professionals from KPMG were invited to share the updates of the taxation policy, business environment and the impact of these changes on Hong Kong enterprises. The workshops were well attended by over 90 industry players and they had fruitful learning on the topics with the speakers.
Speakers- KPMG
Karmen Yeung, Partner
Travis Lee, Director
Koon Ho Chu, Tax Manager
David Ho, Tax Manager
Lucy Lin, Tax Manager